Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Demonizing atheists

The term "Atheist" describes a diverse group that includes people from all nationalities & skin colours, it includes capitalists, communists, socialists, fascists & libertarians. It also includes many Buddhists, Hindus, & even many that identify culturally as Jewish, Christian, Catholic & Muslim. I guarantee it includes people you know, even if you don't know they are atheists.

To demonize such a vast group of different people as being immoral is nothing but character assassination & it certainly doesn't prove your religion is right & your god is real.  It's just hateful, bigoted stereotyping.

Judging all atheists by the actions of Stalin's Communist Russia or Pol Pot's fascist regime is akin to judging all theists by the actions of Islamic group ISIS or the Catholic Inquisition. Obviously this is ridiculous since the only connection between all theists is a belief in 1 or more gods & the only connection between all atheists is a disbelief in all gods.

If you are unable to win an argument strictly by arguing for your religion & your god on their own merits, you should learn better arguments; better yet, question the validity of your arguments & whether perhaps you might simply be wrong.

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