Saturday, 27 August 2016

Crosses & Kaaba's

Mankind pulled himself out of the darkness of the base instincts shared with his animal cousins.

In his initial confusion, that lasted thousands of years, Man made up stories to explain that which He didn't understand.

Unable to grasp why He was so different than his animal brethren, He could only assume there was something special about him.

It was almost like Man had been chosen by someone. Given the gifts of intellect & consciousness to bring Order to the Chaos.

It was in this time of confusion that Man created the Gods, but as this veil of confusion lifted, the gods began disappearing.

As Man started understanding more & more, they consolidated the Gods into ever more powerful versions to explain the greater complexity they saw.

Until finally Tribes began claiming their God was the only God. The most powerful God, the Creator God.

Over the years, this God grew in power & acceptance. Still, Man's knowledge continued to grow, He saw less and less need for a God.

It saddens me that Man became so comfortable with confusion that He held tightly to its veil, keeping it there for hundreds of years longer than needed.

But, as with previous gods, this Creator God slowly lost its believers. One by one & two by two.

Until only the most crazy, most fanatical & most ignorant were left kneeling before  Crosses & Kaaba's.

The fog of confusion had finally left Mankind and he could finally understand his place in the universe.

A place that was simultaneously incredibly special and blandly ordinary.

A place shared by a nigh infinite number of other "chosen" species from one end of the Universe to the other.

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